
This file contains PodGen-specific warnings. They can be imported directly from podgen.

copyright:2019, Thorben Dahl <thorben@sjostrom.no>
license:FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
exception podgen.warnings.LegacyCategoryWarning[source]

Indicates that the category created is an old category. It will still be accepted by Apple Podcasts, but it would be wise to use the new categories since they may have more relevant options for your podcast.

See also

What’s New: Enhanced Apple Podcasts Categories
Consequences of using old categories.
Podcasts Connect Help: Apple Podcasts categories
Up-to-date list of available categories.
Podnews: New and changed Apple Podcasts categories
List of changes between the old and the new categories.
exception podgen.warnings.NotRecommendedWarning[source]

Warns against behaviour or usage which is usually discouraged. However, there may exist exceptions where there is no better way.

exception podgen.warnings.NotSupportedByItunesWarning[source]

Indicates that PodGen is used in a way that may not be compatible with Apple Podcasts (previously known as iTunes).

In some cases, this may be because PodGen has not been kept up-to-date with new features which Apple Podcasts has added support for. Please add an issue if that is the case!

exception podgen.warnings.PodgenWarning[source]

Superclass for all warnings defined by PodGen.