Source code for podgen.episode

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <> and 2016, Thorben Dahl

    :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
# Support for Python 2.7
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import *
from future.utils import iteritems

import warnings

from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser

from podgen.warnings import NotSupportedByItunesWarning
from podgen.util import formatRFC2822, listToHumanreadableStr
from podgen.compat import string_types

[docs]class Episode(object): """Class representing an episode in a podcast. Corresponds to an RSS Item. When creating a new Episode, you can populate any attribute using keyword arguments. Use the attribute's name on the left side of the equals sign and its value on the right side. Here's an example:: >>> # This... >>> ep = Episode() >>> ep.title = "Exploring the RTS genre" >>> ep.summary = "Tory and I talk about a genre of games we've " + \\ ... "never dared try out before now..." >>> # equal to this: >>> ep = Episode( ... title="Exploring the RTS genre", ... summary="Tory and I talk about a genre of games we've " ... "never dared try out before now..." ... ) :raises: TypeError if you try to set an attribute which doesn't exist, ValueError if you set an attribute to an invalid value. You must have filled in either :attr:`.title` or :attr:`.summary` before the RSS can be generated. To add an episode to a podcast:: >>> import podgen >>> p = podgen.Podcast() >>> episode = podgen.Episode() >>> p.episodes.append(episode) You may also replace the last two lines with a shortcut:: >>> episode = p.add_episode(podgen.Episode()) .. seealso:: :doc:`/usage_guide/episodes` A friendlier introduction to episodes. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # RSS self.__authors = [] self.summary = None """The summary of this episode, in a format that can be parsed by XHTML parsers. If your summary isn't fit to be parsed as XHTML, you can use :py:func:`podgen.htmlencode` to fix the text, like this:: >>> ep.summary = podgen.htmlencode("We spread lots of love <3") >>> ep.summary We spread lots of love &lt;3 In iTunes, the summary is shown in a separate window that appears when the "circled i" in the Description column is clicked. This field can be up to 4000 characters in length. See also :py:attr:`.Episode.subtitle` and :py:attr:`.Episode.long_summary`. :type: :obj:`str` which can be parsed as XHTML. :RSS: description""" self.long_summary = None """A long (read: full) summary, which supplements the shorter :attr:`~podgen.Episode.summary`. Like summary, this must be compatible with XHTML parsers; use :func:`podgen.htmlencode` if this isn't HTML. This attribute should be seen as a full, longer variation of summary if summary exists. Even then, the long_summary should be independent from summary, in that you only need to read one of them. This means you may have to repeat the first sentences. :type: :obj:`str` which can be parsed as XHTML. :RSS: content:encoded or description """ self.__media = None = None """This episode's globally unique identifier. If not present, the URL of the enclosed media is used. This is usually the best way to go, **as long as the media URL doesn't change**. Set the id to boolean ``False`` if you don't want to associate any id to this episode. It is important that an episode keeps the same ID until the end of time, since the ID is used by clients to identify which episodes have been listened to, which episodes are new, and so on. Changing the ID causes the same consequences as deleting the existing episode and adding a new, identical episode. Note that this is a GLOBALLY unique identifier. Thus, not only must it be unique in this podcast, it must not be the same ID as any other episode for any podcast out there. To ensure this, you should use a domain which you own (for example, use something like if you own :type: :obj:`str`, :obj:`None` to use default or :obj:`False` to leave out. :RSS: guid """ = None """The link to the full version of this episode's :attr:`.summary`. Remember to start the link with the scheme, e.g. https://. :type: :obj:`str` :RSS: link """ self.__publication_date = None self.title = None """This episode's human-readable title. Title is mandatory and should not be blank. :type: :obj:`str` :RSS: title """ # ITunes tags # self.__withhold_from_itunes = False self.__image = None self.__itunes_duration = None self.__explicit = None self.is_closed_captioned = False """Whether this podcast includes a video episode with embedded `closed captioning`_ support. Defaults to ``False``. :type: :obj:`bool` :RSS: itunes:isClosedCaptioned .. _closed captioning: """ self.__position = None self.subtitle = None """A short subtitle. This is shown in the Description column in iTunes. The subtitle displays best if it is only a few words long. :type: :obj:`str` :RSS: itunes:subtitle """ # It is time to assign the keyword arguments for attribute, value in iteritems(kwargs): if hasattr(self, attribute): setattr(self, attribute, value) else: raise TypeError("Keyword argument %s (with value %s) not " "recognized!" % (attribute, value))
[docs] def rss_entry(self): """Create an RSS item using lxml's etree and return it. This is primarily used by :class:`podgen.Podcast` when generating the podcast's RSS feed. :returns: etree.Element('item') """ ITUNES_NS = '' DUBLIN_NS = '' entry = etree.Element('item') if not (self.title or self.summary): raise ValueError('Required fields not set, make sure either ' 'title or summary is set!') if self.title: title = etree.SubElement(entry, 'title') title.text = self.title if link = etree.SubElement(entry, 'link') link.text = if self.summary or self.long_summary: if self.summary and self.long_summary: # Both are present, so use both content and description description = etree.SubElement(entry, 'description') description.text = etree.CDATA(self.summary) content = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}encoded' % '') content.text = etree.CDATA(self.long_summary) else: # Only one is present, use description because of support description = etree.SubElement(entry, 'description') description.text = \ etree.CDATA(self.summary or self.long_summary) if self.__authors: authors_with_name = [ for a in self.__authors if] if authors_with_name: # We have something to display as itunes:author, combine all # names itunes_author = \ etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}author' % ITUNES_NS) itunes_author.text = listToHumanreadableStr(authors_with_name) if len(self.__authors) > 1 or not self.__authors[0].email: # Use dc:creator, since it supports multiple authors (and # author without email) for a in self.__authors or []: author = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}creator' % DUBLIN_NS) if and author.text = "%s <%s>" % (, elif author.text = else: author.text = else: # Only one author and with email, so use rss author author = etree.SubElement(entry, 'author') author.text = str(self.__authors[0]) if rss_guid = elif self.__media and is None: rss_guid = self.__media.url else: # self.__rss_guid was set to boolean False, or no enclosure rss_guid = None if rss_guid: guid = etree.SubElement(entry, 'guid') guid.text = rss_guid guid.attrib['isPermaLink'] = 'false' if self.__media: enclosure = etree.SubElement(entry, 'enclosure') enclosure.attrib['url'] = self.__media.url enclosure.attrib['length'] = str(self.__media.size) enclosure.attrib['type'] = self.__media.type if self.__media.duration: duration = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}duration' % ITUNES_NS) duration.text = self.__media.duration_str if self.__publication_date: pubDate = etree.SubElement(entry, 'pubDate') pubDate.text = formatRFC2822(self.__publication_date) if self.__withhold_from_itunes: # It is True, so include element - otherwise, don't include it block = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}block' % ITUNES_NS) block.text = 'Yes' if self.__image: image = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}image' % ITUNES_NS) image.attrib['href'] = self.__image if self.__explicit is not None: explicit = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}explicit' % ITUNES_NS) explicit.text = "Yes" if self.__explicit else "No" if self.is_closed_captioned: is_closed_captioned = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}isClosedCaptioned' % ITUNES_NS) is_closed_captioned.text = 'Yes' if self.__position is not None and self.__position >= 0: order = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}order' % ITUNES_NS) order.text = str(self.__position) if self.subtitle: subtitle = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}subtitle' % ITUNES_NS) subtitle.text = self.subtitle return entry
@property def authors(self): """List of :class:`~podgen.Person` that contributed to this episode. The authors don't need to have both name and email set. They're usually not displayed anywhere. .. note:: You do not need to provide any authors for an episode if they're identical to the podcast's authors. Any value you assign to authors will be automatically converted to a list, but only if it's iterable (like tuple, set and so on). It is an error to assign a single :class:`~podgen.Person` object to this attribute:: >>> # This results in an error >>> ep.authors = Person("John Doe", "") TypeError: Only iterable types can be assigned to authors, ... >>> # This is the correct way: >>> ep.authors = [Person("John Doe", "")] The initial value is an empty list, so you can use the list methods right away. Example:: >>> # This attribute is just a list - you can for example append: >>> ep.authors.append(Person("John Doe", "")) >>> # Or assign a new list (discarding earlier authors) >>> ep.authors = [Person("John Doe", ""), ... Person("Mary Sue", "")] :type: :obj:`list` of :class:`podgen.Person` :RSS: author or dc:creator, and itunes:author """ return self.__authors @authors.setter def authors(self, authors): try: self.__authors = list(authors) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Only iterable types can be assigned to authors, " "%s given. You must put your object in a list, " "even if there's only one author." % authors) @property def publication_date(self): """The time and date this episode was first published. The value can be a :obj:`str`, which will be parsed and made into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object when assigned. You may also assign a :class:`datetime.datetime` object directly. In both cases, you must ensure that the value includes timezone information. :type: :obj:`str` (will be converted to and stored as :class:`datetime.datetime`) or :class:`datetime.datetime`. :RSS: pubDate .. note:: Don't use the media file's modification date as the publication date, unless they're the same. It looks very odd when an episode suddenly pops up in the feed, but it claims to be several hours old! """ return self.__publication_date @publication_date.setter def publication_date(self, publication_date): if publication_date is not None: if isinstance(publication_date, string_types): publication_date = dateutil.parser.parse(publication_date) if not isinstance(publication_date, datetime): raise ValueError('Invalid datetime format') if publication_date.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError('Datetime object has no timezone info') self.__publication_date = publication_date else: self.__publication_date = None @property def media(self): """Get or set the :class:`~podgen.Media` object that is attached to this episode. Note that if :py:attr:`.id` is not set, the media's URL is used as the id. If you rely on this, you should make sure the URL never changes, since changing the id messes up with clients (they will think this episode is new again, even if the user has listened to it already). Therefore, you should only rely on this behaviour if you own the domain which the episodes reside on. If you don't, then you must set :py:attr:`.id` to an appropriate value manually. :type: :class:`podgen.Media` :RSS: enclosure and itunes:duration """ return self.__media @media.setter def media(self, media): if media is not None: # Test that the media quacks like a duck if hasattr(media, "url") and hasattr(media, "size") and \ hasattr(media, "type"): # It's a duck self.__media = media else: raise TypeError("The parameter media must have the attributes " "url, size and type.") else: self.__media = None @property def withhold_from_itunes(self): """Prevent this episode from appearing in the iTunes podcast directory. Note that the episode can still be found by inspecting the XML, so it is still public. One use case would be if you knew that this episode would get you kicked out from iTunes, should it make it there. In such cases, you can set withhold_from_itunes to ``True`` so this episode isn't published on iTunes, allowing you to publish it to everyone else while keeping your podcast on iTunes. This attribute defaults to ``False``, of course. :type: :obj:`bool` :RSS: itunes:block """ return self.__withhold_from_itunes @withhold_from_itunes.setter def withhold_from_itunes(self, withhold_from_itunes): if withhold_from_itunes is not None: if withhold_from_itunes is True or withhold_from_itunes is False: self.__withhold_from_itunes = withhold_from_itunes else: raise TypeError("withhold_from_itunes expects bool or None, " "got %s" % withhold_from_itunes) else: self.__withhold_from_itunes = None @property def image(self): """The podcast episode's image, overriding the podcast's :attr:`~.Podcast.image`. This attribute specifies the absolute URL to the artwork for your podcast. iTunes prefers square images that are at least ``1400x1400`` pixels. iTunes supports images in JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color space (CMYK is not supported). The URL must end in ".jpg" or ".png"; a :class:`.NotSupportedByItunesWarning` will be issued if it doesn't. :type: :obj:`str` :RSS: itunes:image .. note:: If you change an episode’s image, you should also change the file’s name; iTunes doesn't check the actual file to see if it's changed. Additionally, the server hosting your cover art image must allow HTTP HEAD requests. .. warning:: Almost no podcatchers support this. iTunes supports it only if you embed the cover in the media file (the same way you would embed an album cover), and recommends that you use Garageband's Enhanced Podcast feature. The podcast's image is used if this isn't supported. """ return self.__image @image.setter def image(self, image): if image is not None: lowercase_image = str(image).lower() if not (lowercase_image.endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'))): warnings.warn('Image filename must end with png or jpg, not ' '%s' % image.split(".")[-1], NotSupportedByItunesWarning, stacklevel=2) self.__image = image else: self.__image = None @property def explicit(self): """Whether this podcast episode contains material which may be inappropriate for children. The value of the podcast's explicit attribute is used by default, if this is kept as ``None``. If you set this to ``True``, an "explicit" parental advisory graphic will appear in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is ``False``, the parental advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or adult content is included anywhere in this episode, and a "clean" graphic will appear. :type: :obj:`bool` :RSS: itunes:explicit """ return self.__explicit @explicit.setter def explicit(self, explicit): if explicit is not None: # Force explicit to be bool, so no one uses "no" and expects False if explicit not in (True, False): raise ValueError('Invalid value "%s" for explicit tag' % explicit) self.__explicit = explicit else: self.__explicit = None @property def position(self): """A custom position for this episode on the iTunes store page. If you would like this episode to appear first, set it to ``1``. If you want it second, set it to ``2``, and so on. If multiple episodes share the same position, they will be sorted by their :attr:`publication date <.Episode.publication_date>`. To remove the order from the episode, set the position back to :obj:`None`. :type: :obj:`int` :RSS: itunes:order """ return self.__position @position.setter def position(self, position): if position is not None: self.__position = int(position) else: self.__position = None